06-19, 09:00–09:45 (Europe/London), Tower Suite 1
The PyData - and more broadly the scientific computing - ecosystem has seen massive growth both in adoption and complexity over the last few years, maybe decades. As for many other open-source ecosystems, this growth has also opened the door to complex socio-technical challenges. Many of which can directly impact the long-term sustainability of the ecosystem and its community.
This talk will dive into some of these current challenges and opportunities for us, the users, contributors, maintainers, activists, sponsors, and insert many other hats to help overcome those hurdles.
All while being intentional about the core tenents of collaboration, transparency, and openness that fuel our ecosystem.
No previous knowledge expected
Tania is the co-director at Quansight Labs and previous Sr. Developer Advocate at Microsoft. She has vast experience in academic research and industrial environments. Her main areas of expertise are within data-intensive applications, scientific computing, and machine learning. Tania has conducted extensive work on the improvement of processes, reproducibility and transparency in research, data science and artificial intelligence. She is passionate about mentoring, open source, and its community and is involved in a number of initiatives aimed to build more diverse and inclusive communities. She is also a contributor, maintainer, and developer of a number of open source projects and the Founder of Pyladies NorthWest.
In her free time she likes tinkering with electronics, nerding with mechanical keyboards, reading all the books and lifting heavy weights.